Don’t miss out on your chance for our nightly raffle drawings!
August 2 - $1,500 winner ($150 to seller of winning ticket)
August 3 - $2,000 winner ($200 to seller of winning ticket)
August 4 - $5,000 winner ($500 to seller of winning ticket)
Every parishioner will receive two books of raffle tickets. We ask that you sell or buy all 10 tickets. The seller of the winning ticket also gets a cash prize.
Please return the stubs for the tickets you have sold in order for them to be included in the drawings. Completed stubs can be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office.
Help Distribute Parish Raffle Tickets
The Parish Festival Raffle Ticket Committee is looking for volunteers to help distribute raffle tickets that were not picked up at Church. If you can help us, please email Betty at [email protected]. This is a great opportunity for anyone needing service volunteer hours.