Hearts for Haiti, a ministy of Saint Jude Parish, is an education fund for the children of Fondwa, Haiti.
St. Antoine School
For the past 17 years the generosity of Saint Jude parishioners and others has brought hope to nearly 600 children at our "Sister School," St. Antoine in Fondwa, Haiti. Your donations to teacher salaries bring the light of learning to a place where crippling illiteracy was once 85%. Your contributions allow other donors to focus their efforts on different needs like the daily lunch program and a professional school for graduates.
Overcoming Great Challenges
In this region of subsistence, farming, where many live on a a dollar a day, education is esteemed as a path to a better life. Many students are malnourished, lie in single-room homes, and walk hours each day for the privilege of attending class.
What impact has "Hearts for Haiti" had on the children of Fondwa?
In the past decade, progress is visibly marked by the expansion of the school. St. Antoine is the only school in the region where children can start in kindergarten and go all the way through high school. In the past few years, the students have earned high scores on the national exams.
What are my donations used for?
Donations pay teacher salaries at St. Antoine School in Fondwa, Haiti. Our goal is to support 10 teachers. One teacher's salary is about $2300.
How can I help?
How to donate
Partners in Progress is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit that manages our St. Antoine donations with other Haiti projects. Make checks payable to: Partners in Progress and designate "Hearts for Haiti" on the memo line.
Mail checks to:
Partners in Progress
P.O. Box 11278
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Donate online at: www.piphaiti.org. Click the DONATE button and choose "St. Antoine School Salaries" under SELECT A DESIGNATION.
Thank you for your support!
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